Thursday, February 1, 2024

Cover #72: Gilla covers "We Gotta Get Out Of This Place" by The Animals

    First off, you must, I repeat must, see the video for this.  It will change your life.  That poor singer/bass player looks like a But since I'm supposed to write about the cover itself, I won't say too much about the video, except that is the best roller skating dance ever!  Honestly, that might just be in my top three dances along with Pee-Wee's "Tequila" dance and Napoleon Dynamite's Vote For Pedro epic.

   I actually bought a picture sleeve of the original single just because the entire enterprise is so cheesy- but not just cheesy, late 1970s European cheesy.  Oh yeah, what about the music?  Well, it's a sad fin-de-decade attempted funk take on the classic song.   It's not very good, but I am so happy that Gilla did this cover because if they did not, would they ever have made such an awesome video?  

✅ ✅

(p.s. how in the world did Beavis & Butthead miss this one?)






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